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en:the-commodity-and-communism [2023/02/25 20:02]
en:the-commodity-and-communism [2023/02/25 20:03] (current)
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 stop global heating and the extinction of species. To illustrate such a stop global heating and the extinction of species. To illustrate such a
 transformation from the perspective of the total economy, we can continue the transformation from the perspective of the total economy, we can continue the
-series above (Table 6), but assume that accumulation and population growth comes+series above (Table 6), but assume that accumulation and population growth come
 to a halt. Since the additional capital and luxury consumption of the former to a halt. Since the additional capital and luxury consumption of the former
 property owners fall away we can assume a much lower rate of surplus labour, say property owners fall away we can assume a much lower rate of surplus labour, say