
The fact that capitalism and global class composition have gone through dramatic changes in recent decades everyone seems to agree on. But the opinions diverges on the nature of the changes and their consequences for the class struggle.

Insurrection Against the Globalised Capital

El Argentinazo: The December Uprising 2001
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Preface to ‘From Cellatex to Moulinex’t
In 1999, Lear Corporation closed it’s plant for seating manufacturing for Volvo PV in Bengtsfors, Dalsland. Volvo had owned the plant themselves up to 1992 when it was sold to Lear Seating.

Henri Simon: From Cellatex to Moulinex: Burst Up of an Open Social Violence
For two generations French workers have been used to the transfer of economic activities – mainly industrial factories – from the main towns (especially from Paris industrial suburbs) towards the country.

Critique of Theories on Globalisation and the New Opposition

Steve Wright: The Limits of Negri’s Class Analysis: Italian Autonomist Theory in the Seventies
In the latter part of the seventies, the current which would generate both the greatest political influence and theoretical controversy within Italy’s ultra-left was that associated with the class and State analysis developed by Antonio Negri.

How Should the World be Understood: A Review of Empire
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No Logo – No Class
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The Autonomous Movement: A Discussion
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Communiqué from the Italian CRAC on the Murder of Biagi
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