Miscellaneous writings that we recommend.

Communism means the dissolution of the classes and of the wage labour system
May Day 2007 leaflet by a couple of communists in Gothenburg.

Stubin: Unemployment struggle in Gothenburg, Sweden
A text about unemployment and experiences from unemployment struggle in Gothenburg.

Interview with Per Henriksson in Against the Wage
For communists and revolutionaries (as moments of the communist movement) it is vital with theoretical discussion and clarification, and to take part practically – in a conscious way – in the everyday struggle of the proletarian class. Theory for the sake of theory, as in the bourgeois sense of theory, is of no use; nor ‘practice’ for the sake of practice as in the (also bourgeois) vanguardist, activist, anti-intellectual sense, that at first sight may seem like a more preferable road to take, but in the end only is the opposite side of the bourgeois ‘theorist’s’ coin. (From Against the Wage no. 2, Friday, August 19, 2005)

Richard Gunn: Marxism, Metatheory and Critique
This is a chapter from the book Post-Fordism and Social Form: A Marxist Debate on the Post-Fordist State.

Simon Clarke: The Global Accumulation of Capital and the Periodisation of the Capitalist State Form
Clarke makes an attempt to sketch a dialectic understanding of different phases in the development of capitalism, phases defined by changes in the state form related to the global class struggle, including the sphere of reproduction. The critical conclusion is that such a periodisation is problematic in itself.

Gianni Collu: Transition

Interview with Mohsen Hakimi, Activist of the Anti-Capitalist Movement of Working Class and Member of Iranian Writers Association

C.L.R. James: Notes on Dialectics, Part II: The Hegelian Logic

Ria Stone: The workers’ critique of politics

Jacques Camatte & Gianni Collu: On organization

Jacques Camatte: Origin and function of the party form

Paul Mattick: Spontaneity and Organisation

Aufheben: From Operaismo to “Autonomist Marxism”

A Revolutionary Optimist: An Interview with Martin Glaberman

Gilles Dauvé and François Martin: The eclipse and the re-emergence of the communist movement

Aufheben: “Anti-capitalism” as ideology ...and as movement?

Henri Simon: Some Thoughts on Organisation

Henri Simon: The New Movement

Cajo Brendel: Goodbye to the Unions: A Controversy About Autonomous Class Struggle in Great Britiain

Echanges et Mouvement: The Refusal of Work

Echanges et Mouvement: Myths of Dispersed Fordism

Steve Wright: Confronting the Crisis of “Fordism”: Italian Debates Around Social Transition

Sergio Bologna: Class Composition and the Theory of the Party at the Origins of the Workers’ Council Movement

Raniero Panzieri: The Capitalist Use of Machinery: Marx Versus the Objectivists’

Felton Shortall: The Incomplete Marx
“As its title suggests, the present work is concerned with the sense in which the work of Karl Marx can be considered as being incomplete”

Intervention –> Communication –> Participation

Fredrik Samuelsson: For a New Workers’ Movement
