

Sic: International journal for communisation Issue 1
The present journal aims to be the locus for an unfolding of the problematic of communisation. It comes from the encounter of individuals involved in various projects in different countries: among these are the journals Endnotes, published in the UK and the US, Blaumachen in Greece, Théorie Communiste in France, Riff-Raff in Sweden, and certain more or less informal theoretical groups in the US (New York and San Francisco). Each of these projects will continue to exist on their own. Also participating are various individuals in France, Germany, and elsewhere, who are involved in other activities and who locate themselves broadly within the theoretical approach taken here.

Order Sic 1 (200 pages) from Britain, United States, Sweden or France.


Editorial | 
Leon de Mattis, What is communisation? | 
Peter Åström, Crisis and communisation | 
Woland, The historical production of the revolution of the current period | 
Jeanne Neton & Peter Åström, How one can still put forward demands when no demands can be satisfied | 
Rocamadur, The indignados movement in Greece | 
R.S., The present moment | 
B.L., The suspended step of communisation | 
Screamin Alice, On the periodisation of the capitalist class relation | 
Further reading
R.S. et al., The present moment further remarks and discussion | | 
Per Henriksson, Marcel Crusoes ex-communists in Intermundia. Notes on the discussion about communisation | 
