From the back cover of the book:
Communism is not an ideal to be realized: it already exists, not as a society, but as an effort, a task to prepare for. It is the movement which tries to abolish the conditions of life determined by wage-labour, and it will abolish them by revolution. The discussion of communism is not academic. It is not a debate about what will be done tomorrow. It is an integral part of a whole series of immediate and distant tasks, among which discussion is only one aspect, an attempt to achieve theoretical understanding. Inversely, the tasks can be carried out more easily and efficiently if one can answer the question: where are we going?
With Vägrandets dynamik by Gilles Dauvé, riff-raff begins its book publishing, which shall work parallel with the journal.
You can order Vägrandets dynamik from the bookstore, or purchase it directly from any of our retailers.
Vägrandets dynamik is all in Swedish, this page is mostly for reference. Some text, however, have been especially written for this Swedish edition, these are marked with an asterisk (*).

Table of contents

Editorial Remarks *
I. Communist Perspectives
On the Globalization Movement * (June 2002)
Out of the Future (1997)
Capitalism and Communism (1972/1997)
The Class Struggle and its Most Characteristic Aspects in Recent Years (1968)
Leninism and the Ultra-Left (1969/1997)
Re-Visiting the East... and Popping in at Marx’s (2002)
II. Movement and Organisation
When Insurrections Die (1997)
Letter to Aufheben on “Fascism/Antifascism” (1996)
Back to the Situationist International (2000)
Class War in Barcelona (1973)
III. Critique of the Moral Order
Moral Disorder * (June 2003)
For a World Without Moral Order (1983)
Letter on Animal Liberation (1999)
The X-Filers (1999)
IV. Appendix
Note on Pannekoek and Bordiga (January 1973 / 1997)
Open Letter to the Conference of Revolutionary Groups
To Be Held in Britain in May, 1973 (April 1973)
Letter on the Use of Violence (1973)
Foreword to Black & Reds Edition of Eclipse & Re-Emergence
of the Communist Movement (1974)
Preface to the Japanese Edition of no. 1 and no. 2 of Le mouvement communiste (1973)

Book facts

riff-raff 2004
First paperback edition
November 2004
334 pages
Cover/Layout: Subversiv Media
ISBN: 91-631-6148-6
Price: 150 kr
